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Twitter API vulnerable to replay attacks

Reading about Google's security today reminded me of an vulnerability I discovered in the @ a while ago. October 4th to be exact. The response was a typical but as of this writing the replay attack vulnerability has not been fixed.

Replay attack
A replay attack is a form of network attack in which a valid data transmission is maliciously or fraudulently repeated or delayed. This is carried out either by the originator or by an adversary who intercepts the data and retransmits it, possibly as part of a masquerade attack by IP packet substitution.

My email to on October 4th and their response.
A single OAuth request can currently be made repeated until the timestamp expires. For example the below url worked in a browser repeatedly.



Hi Abraham,

Thanks for the note. We'll check it out.


Here is a snap shot of a POST request to create a list named "replayattack" at 00:16:18 GMT. Shortly after I made a request with the same @ parameters at 00:17:57 GMT that succeeded in creating a second list with the slug of replayattack-20. Both request use the same oauth_timestamp, oauth_nonce and oauth_signature values.


How serious is this vulnerability? Well luckily the vector seems to be pretty small but I'm not a security expert so there could be hidden vectors I have not considered.
  • The initial request must to be intercepted by an attacker so the use of SSL and certificate verification should protect against the attack.
  • Replay requests are limited to five minutes after the initial request before the timestamp gets rejected.
  • Requests can not be modified or the request will be rejected for having an invalid signature.
  • Duplicate statuses and messages can not be posted because Twitter rejects duplicates of recent statuses.
  • Requests to private resources like messages or protected timelines have not only the response of the initial request but any statuses or messages created in the following five minutes as well.

What can Twitter do to prevent this? Twitter can store nonces for five minutes and if a single nonce hits the API more then once reject the subsequent requests. The OAuth specification has this to say about nonces:
A nonce is a random string, uniquely generated by the client to allow the server to verify that a request has never been made before and helps prevent replay attacks when requests are made over a non-secure channel. The nonce value MUST be unique across all requests with the same timestamp, client credentials, and token combinations.
It is possible that Twitter decided to write off this vulnerability instead of trying to scale nonce checking for over 6 billion API requests every day.


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