Originally published on bendyworks.com . This is it. 31 blog posts in 31 days. Writing a month of flutter has been a ton of work but also lots of fun and a good learning experience. I really appreciate how supportive and and positive everyone as been. Publishing experience For the series I've been posting on bendyworks.com , DEV , my personal blog , and Medium . After publishing to these sites, I would put the Bendyworks link on Twitter , Reddit , and the Flutter Study Group Slack . Posting to DEV was easy as they use Markdown just like the Bendworks blog. DEV also has built in support for a series of posts so it's easy to read the entire series. I did have to manually upload any embedded images. DEV also has a number of liquid tags for embedding things like GitHub issues that I didn't make as much use of as I should have. Blogger is rich text so it was easy to copy/paste the rendered posts. This would hotlink all the images though so I had to rem