Presentations by Oren Teich of Heroku on cloud services and hacker advocate Abraham Williams on minimalism in feature design shared a common theme: simplicity is key - both for applications and the infrastructure, tools and languages that are used to build them. With the immediacy of social tech, increasing mobility, and intense app competition, fast and easy is the new imperative.
" Storytlr is an open source lifestreaming and micro blogging platform. You can use it for a single user or it can act as a host for many people all from the same installation." I've been looking for something like Storytlr for a few months now or at least trying to do it with Drupal . While I love Drupal and FeedAPI I did not want to spend all that time building a lifestream website. So I've been playing around with Storytlr instead and found it very easy. Here is how I got it up and running on a Ubuntu EC2 server. You can also check out the official Storytlr install instructions . Assumptions: LAMP stack installed and running. Domain setup for a directory. MySQL database and user ready to go. Lets get started! Get the code : wget tar -xvzf storytlr-0.9.2.tgz You can find out the latest stable release on Storytlr's downloads page. Import the database : Within protected/install is database.sq...
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