As it becomes more difficult to find the answers you want on Google, using hashtags like #lazyweb to ask questions on Twitter has become some people’s recourse. Realizing this, Y Combinator company Answerly is announcing a product revamp today, going from a run of the mill Q&A site to something much more interesting. Their new product, InboxQ is a free browser plugin (right now only available on Chrome) that performs searches for questions on Twitter by keyword and other factors.
" Storytlr is an open source lifestreaming and micro blogging platform. You can use it for a single user or it can act as a host for many people all from the same installation." I've been looking for something like Storytlr for a few months now or at least trying to do it with Drupal . While I love Drupal and FeedAPI I did not want to spend all that time building a lifestream website. So I've been playing around with Storytlr instead and found it very easy. Here is how I got it up and running on a Ubuntu EC2 server. You can also check out the official Storytlr install instructions . Assumptions: LAMP stack installed and running. Domain setup for a directory. MySQL database and user ready to go. Lets get started! Get the code : wget tar -xvzf storytlr-0.9.2.tgz You can find out the latest stable release on Storytlr's downloads page. Import the database : Within protected/install is database.sq
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